The famous management strategist Peter Drucker said, “You can't manage what you can't measure. It follows that you can’t get the most out of your marketing (and manage away wasteful spending) without being able to measure your results....
Dynamic Number Insertion: How It Works and What Can Go Wrong
If you want to track the source of leads that are generated when people call you from your website, you could use a single call tracking number that would help you track all calls that were placed from your website. But that only solves...
What is Conversion Tracking, and Why It Should Matter to You
While there are exceptions to the rule, most businesses will invest in marketing at some point. Facebook Ads, Mailchimp, and other marketing technology software providers make it easier than ever to get started. But how do you know if...
Understanding Google and Facebook Ad Reports
This is the second in a series of posts to help you understand how to interpret the digital advertising reports provided by your marketing vendors or your in-house marketing team. If you’ve ever stared at a marketing report and not...
How to Use Google Ads Search Terms to Reveal and Fix Campaign Mistakes
Google Ads can help you get your brand in front of potential customers quickly. However, it’s easy to make costly mistakes, including ones that aren’t obvious or easy to find. Such was the case with a search campaign I recently reviewed...
Google Analytics Realtime Reports
As the name suggests, Google Realtime reports let you see what is happening on your website right now. In particular, you can see what locations and sources your visitors are coming from, what pages they are viewing, the content they are...
How to Block Referral Traffic from Spammers in Google Analytics
If you notice a huge spike in the amount of referral traffic you see reported in Google Analytics, chances are your results are being inflated by a site that is spamming you. The good news is you can easily clean up your data by excluding...
What is CNAM?
CNAM is the acronym for Caller ID Name. If you have a mobile phone, you have already seen CNAM tracking in action. It’s the technology that lets you see who is calling when that person is unknown to you. Part of what you pay for with call...