Cal Newport’s Deep Work is an antidote for a world where the human attention span has dropped to a mere eight seconds. In this book, Newport introduces the concept of deep work, as well as its opposite, shallow work. He makes the argument...
Three Tools to Help You Thrive in a Virtual Environment
If you’re like many business owners I know, you’ve still getting the kinks out and continuing to learn how to be productive in a virtual environment. You’re beyond the basics like getting people connected from home and teaching them how...
Passion and Personality Trump Planning in Making the Cut Finale
It would surprise those who know me well that I binge watched Amazon’s Making the Cut. After all, I’ve been accused of barely being able to dress myself. One of my friends, a fabric expert who always looks great, has threatened more than...
4 Ways to Build Your Brand Online
In a time of uncertainty and where face-to-face interaction is scarce, many companies are concerned about what this lack of human contact may mean for their business. Understanding a brand is an experience for users, and with social...
What Will Get Us Though COVID-19? Collaboration and Compassion.
A few days ago, I read an opinion piece in the New York Times about The Great Alaska Earthquake, a 9.2 Richter’s Scale earthquake that hit Anchorage in 1964. Members from the newly formed Disaster Research Center, which was then based at...
Marketing a New Business: A Lesson in Grit and Persistence
There isn’t a single playbook for marketing a new business. The tactics that are likely to work vary greatly from business to business, and in some cases, you need to focus on selling to succeed more than you need to get marketing right....
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