Marketing ReportsMarketing reporting software that proves PPC, SEO, and advertising campaigns working.
Marketing Reporting Software
Real Results
Looking for better marketing reporting software? Jess goes beyond vanity metrics and proves that SEO, PPC, social media, and email marketing campaigns are working. Users describe Jess as the “missing link.”

Jess Proves What’s Working
All contact form submissions and phone calls are imported into Jess, so you can see everyone who contacted you in one place. The Export function lets you see everyone who contacted you, and how they found you, in Excel or Google Sheets.
Contact Information
Click on individual leads from the Jess dashboard to see contact form submission and call details.
Lead Source
Jess knows exactly how individual leads contacted you, and can track this information through both contact form submissions and phone calls.
Email Alerts
Set up Jess to send you an email alert every time you get a new lead. See exactly how the lead found you. Qualify the lead with one click.

Marketing ROI
Jess lets you know if your marketing campaigns are paying for themselves. See if your marketing is generating leads and sales at a positive ROI.
Marketing Reports
Cost Per Lead and Sale
See how much it’s costing you to generate qualified leads by advertising campaign. Measure cost per sale. Use the information to identify opportunities to do more of what’s working well and cut underperforming campaigns.
Keyword Report
See which Google Ads keywords are generating qualified leads and generating sales. Use this information to improve your bidding strategy and identify keywords for SEO campaigns.