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An Introduction to Google Ad Campaign Types

An Introduction to Google Ad Campaign Types

If you are a small business owner thinking about investing in Google Ads, the first thing that probably comes to mind is using it to help your business appear in the search results when people use a keyword related to your business. You’d use a Search Network campaign to achieve that goal, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg of what you can do with Google Ads. In fact, it’s just one of 5 ad types Google offers. Learn about each of the campaign types available to you below.


What are Campaign Types?

When you set up a Google Ad campaign, one of the first things you need to do is select the campaign type. The campaign type will determine where people will see your ads within Google’s advertising network. Some campaign types are better for certain products or services, and the best ones for your business will depend on your advertising goals. Once you choose a campaign type, you’ll be able to set more specific targeting which lets your business reach just a subset of the people on those networks.


Search Network

When you select the Search Network campaign type, your ads will appear alongside Google search results when prospects search for keywords that you target. Your ads can also appear on other Google sites, including Google Maps, YouTube, or on one of hundreds of sites Google partners with.


Display Network

Google’s display network consists of countless third-party websites and apps, as well Google’s own sites and products. The display network lets you show ads that blend text and images you provide, or images or videos you upload. Display ads let you target people in a particular demographic, searching for your products and services, or who have already visited your website.



Shopping campaigns let you upload your inventory and advertise your products directly in Google search results and in its display network. Since product information, including price, is included in your ad, shopping ads help you generate highly qualified traffic. Since Google uses your product information to decide when to show your ads, it’s easy to set up and maintain a shopping campaign.



Video ads let you show your own videos on their own or before, after, or during other videos on YouTube and partner sites. Like other campaign types, you can target the audience who will see your ads. This campaign type requires you have video assets, but are easy to set up if you do.



App campaigns are for companies who want to get their app in the hands of more people. App ads can appear throughout Google’s network including YouTube, Google Play, Google’s Search and Display Networks, and Google partner sites.


Which Campaign Type is Right for You?

All campaign types that generates a positive return on investment (ROI) are google your business, but it may take some experimenting to figure out which are right for you. While many small businesses start with the Search Network, some find the cost per click is too high to support a positive ROI and find better results using Display Network or Video campaigns. If you sell a product that’s eligible to run on the Shopping Network, it’s worth uploading your product database and testing this campaign type.

While it’s easy to get up and running with Google Ads, it’s extremely common for beginners to make costly mistakes, burn through their budget, and conclude Google Ads aren’t for them. Google Ads can work wonders, but it’s hard to set and optimize them, so consider hiring an experienced and certified Google Ads Partner to help you get started.

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