Google Search Console for Beginners

Google Search Console is another free product from Google. It’s easy to set up and provides valuable information that will help you eliminate issues that break or slow down your website works and increase the amount traffic your website gets from search engines. It also lets you see what keywords are generating clicks to your website. . 

Create a Google Search Console Account

You’ll start by creating your Google Search Console account. This process requires you to verify your access to the website you’d like to track. Click here to start and create a Google Search Console account. Beginners can get stuck with the verification process. You can find detailed instructions how to complete the Google Search Console verification process here.

Link it to Google Analytics

It’s optional, but helpful to link Google Search Console to Google Analytics which you can do in the Google Analytics admin menu. If you get stuck, see how to link your Google Search Console here.

Now that you have Google Search Console set up, it’s time to tackle the most challenging but helpful configuration, which will help you track where your leads are coming from. We cover that in Part IV, Set Up Lead Tracking Using Google Goals.


Create a Marketing Analytics Platform with Google Products


  1. Overview
  2. Set up Google Analytics
  3. Set up Google Search Console
  4. Set up Google Goals