Opportunities Management

Processing Opportunities from Converted Leads

In enable cost per sale or ROAS reporting, you’ll need to update opportunities to Closed Won. You can do that manually or automatically via Salesforce and ZohoCRM integrations.

To update records manually, click CRM, Opportunities, and then the name of the record you would like to work on. Next:

  • Change Stage to Closed Won.
  • Update the Close Date to the date the sale closed
  • Enter in the dollar value of the sale.

Click Update Opportunity

Closing opportunities will provide data that populates the Sales and Cost Per Sale columns in the Cost per Lead/Sale report and allow the calculation of ROAS in the Return on Ad Spend report.

Entering New Opportunities Manually

If you are using Jess as your primary CRM, there will be occasions when you’ll want to enter opportunities for business, or potential business deals, manually.

To enter a new opportunity, click Opportunities under CRM from the left menu and click + New Opportunity in the upper right.

In the left column that pops up, enter your contact’s name and any details you would like to record. You can enter the person’s contact and address information in the right column. Note that the last name field is required.

In the left column that pops up, enter a name for your opportunity. You can also add a referral source, description, and tags in the left side.

Optionally enter details about your deal.

Stage. Choose the stage that best describes how far along you are with this opportunity. By choosing Closed Won when you close a sale, you’ll provide the data Jess needs to calculate the cost per sale.

Close Date. This is when you expect the opportunity to close or when it closed. This can help you prioritize follow up and provides the foundation for future Jess functionality.

Value. Enter the dollar value of the sale here.

Priority. How important is this opportunity? This can help you prioritize follow up and provides the foundation for future Jess functionality.

Win Percentage. How likely is it this opportunity will close? This can help you prioritize follow up and provides the foundation for future Jess functionality.

Click Create Opportunity to save the new opportunity.