Jess SEO Setup

It’s easy to get started with Jess SEO. In fact, you’ll be up and running in just a few minutes. Follow the steps below to get started quickly.

Set Up Jess SEO

First, complete the short setup process.

First, login to the Jess dashboard.

Click SEO and then setup from the left menu.

Tell Jess about your business. Jess uses all the information you provide in the SEO Setup screen to create custom SEO recommendations for you, so be sure to complete all relevant fields for best results.

If you don’t find your type of business under Business category, let us know what type of business you have. You’ll still be able to use most of Jess’s features. Letting us know what type of business you have will help us know what business types to focus on next.

When you are done, click Save.

Next, enter keywords. If you chose a business category on the previous setup page, you can click Get Suggestions and Jess will automatically generate a list of keywords for you. Otherwise, enter your business name and then enter your business type on the second line to start. You can expand the keyword list later. The easiest way is to see what competitor are ranking for. We’ll show you how to do that a little later. Need a little more direction? Contact us or come to office hours for extra help with keyword selection.

Your keyword rankings will be available in about a minute after you click Save. If you want an email notification when they are ready, click the check box before you click Save.